2nd EU Week/ ITALY, Grantorto

In Italy we visited Grantorto. 

The theme of our second EU week was Art in relation with the environment.

The dominant theme was artistic (literature, music, arts, plastics).

The title of this Week's theme plays on the classic opposition between nature and culture through the word "urbanité", which, in French, has two meanings. First, the word "urbanity" designates the fact of living in the city, and is therefore opposed to the word rurality. Then, in literary language, urbanity is the fact of being cultured, polite, worldly... and  anything but natural!

We questioned this classic distinction between a culture of the city, civilized, and a primitive, coarse nature, through the presence of nature in our works of art, especially those made by artists who idealize or criticize the place of nature.

The programme of this week was like that:


Before the Meeting we had a very interesting virtual reunion online

Virtual Reunion before the visit

The students preparations before the meeting.

Italy: art and nature

Greece: art and nature

Presentations from Greece

The meeting in Grantorto (video)

Our Twinspace

 We worked together on our common  TWINSPACE You are very welcome to visit it and get some info about our collaboration! PAGES IN OUR TWINSP...